full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alex Wissner-Gross: A new equation for intelligence

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Another important consequence is goal seeking. I'm often asekd, how does the ability to seek golas follow from this sort of framework? And the answer is, the ability to seek goals will follow directly from this in the following sense: just like you would travel through a tunnel, a bottleneck in your futrue path space, in order to aihevce many other diverse objectives later on, or just like you would invest in a fnaincial security, reducing your short-term liquidity in oderr to increase your wealth over the long term, goal sknieeg emerges directly from a long-term drive to increase future freedom of action.

Open Cloze

Another important consequence is goal seeking. I'm often _____, how does the ability to seek _____ follow from this sort of framework? And the answer is, the ability to seek goals will follow directly from this in the following sense: just like you would travel through a tunnel, a bottleneck in your ______ path space, in order to _______ many other diverse objectives later on, or just like you would invest in a _________ security, reducing your short-term liquidity in _____ to increase your wealth over the long term, goal _______ emerges directly from a long-term drive to increase future freedom of action.


  1. goals
  2. future
  3. asked
  4. financial
  5. order
  6. achieve
  7. seeking

Original Text

Another important consequence is goal seeking. I'm often asked, how does the ability to seek goals follow from this sort of framework? And the answer is, the ability to seek goals will follow directly from this in the following sense: just like you would travel through a tunnel, a bottleneck in your future path space, in order to achieve many other diverse objectives later on, or just like you would invest in a financial security, reducing your short-term liquidity in order to increase your wealth over the long term, goal seeking emerges directly from a long-term drive to increase future freedom of action.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
future freedom 7
maximize future 6
build artificial 2
artificial machines 2
physical mechanisms 2
alien race 2
underlying mechanism 2
single equation 2
broadly applicable 2
cybernetic revolt 2
goal seeking 2
seek goals 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
maximize future freedom 5

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. achieve
  3. action
  4. answer
  5. asked
  6. bottleneck
  7. consequence
  8. diverse
  9. drive
  10. emerges
  11. financial
  12. follow
  13. framework
  14. freedom
  15. future
  16. goal
  17. goals
  18. important
  19. increase
  20. invest
  21. liquidity
  22. long
  23. objectives
  24. order
  25. path
  26. reducing
  27. security
  28. seek
  29. seeking
  30. sort
  31. space
  32. term
  33. travel
  34. tunnel
  35. wealth